This is my first web page
How exciting
em strong:
Yes, that is what I said.
How very exciting.
line Break :
This is my first web page
some text ra ra
and some more ra ra
rata kanan :
Huruf Tebal :
This is bold,
this is italic,
this is teletype.
This is subscript,
this is superscript,
this is big,
this is small.
wordcount = 6878;
Selamat Datang di Blog Saya,
Aku belajar menulis dan menuliskan apa yang kupikir dan ingin aku tulis.
Menulis segala tentang kehidupan yang aku alami
Djaka Lawung
Animasi gambar
<:a href="" target="_blank">
<:img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">
Contoh buat web :
This is my first web page
Web Heading 1 2 3 :
My first web page
What this is
A simple page put together using HTML
Why this is
To learn HTML
Buat Link :
Buat List :
- To learn HTML
- To show off
- Because I've fallen in love with my computer and want to give her some HTML loving.
- To learn HTML
To show off
- To my boss
- To my friends
- To my cat
- To the little talking duck in my brain
- Because I've fallen in love with my computer and want to give her some HTML loving.
Gambar :
Buat Tabel :
Row 1, cell 1 | Row 1, cell 2 | Row 1, cell 3 |
Row 2, cell 1 | Row 2, cell 2 | Row 2, cell 3 |
Row 3, cell 1 | Row 3, cell 2 | Row 3, cell 3 |
Row 4, cell 1 | Row 4, cell 2 | Row 4, cell 3 |
The 'table' element defines the table.
The 'tr' element defines a table row.
The 'td' element defines a data cell
Form :
A large quotation. The content of a blockquote element must include block-level elements such as headings, lists, paragraphs or div's.
cite can be used to specify the location (in the form of a URI) where the quote has come from.
script :
Defines contact information :
77 HTML Dog Road, Ealing, London
Caption Table:
Link :
Label :
applies no meaning and is commonly used solely to apply CSS
You could apply styles to this text or tis thext using the span tag.